Genies And Gems Problems

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App even download for ipad. Genies can't give out more than three wishes. As a loophole, Masters can wish their genie to be a servant, so the genie will be at use at all times.if a genie is forced, by his/her master, to break the rules of wishing (killing someone, asking for more wishes, making people fall in love, bringing someone back to life), bound by magic, will shortly get sucked into a psychedelic nightmare land, back in their realm. Most Played Games Like Genies & Gems All Games Collect treasure chests by matching gems. Help the genie and her pet fox reach the treasure by collecting paws. Use magical boosters to clear more gems.

My game is not loading

If you are playing on a mobile device (phones and tablets):
Genies And Gems Problems
Please make sure that you're running the latest version of your game by visiting your App Store and verifying there are no available updates. Playing the latest version of our games ensures you'll run into as few bugs as possible. If there are no updates available for your game, please try these troubleshooting steps:
1. Turn your game and any other apps off so that they are no longer running in the background of your device.
2. If you have social media accounts connected to your game (like Facebook or Google+), disconnect them.
3. Turn your device off and wait 10 seconds before you turn it back on.
4. Reconnect your social media accounts to your game, verifying you're using the correct account.
5. If these steps didn't work, please try them a second time before contacting our support team.

Problems With Genies And Gems

If you are playing on a computer:

Genies And Gems Problems Online

1. Please clear your browser's cache and cookies.
2. Ensure your browser is up to date and you have the latest drivers through websites like
3. Make sure your browser's view setting is at 100%. If you zoom in, you may experience technical issues.
4. After trying these troubleshooting steps, close and reopen your browser.
5. If you're still having problems, please try playing on another browser. We recommend playing through Google Chrome.

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